I learned that I am on the right path. I tell my students, all of the time, that in life there are really two paths…the narrow one and the wide one. The wide path is where everyone is…it’s the acceptance path and the least resistance path. There aren’t many Albert Einstein’s on this path. This is the let’s get by path and not make any waves. I have never been on this path. This path has it’s advantages. At least when you are on this path, you have a lot of company and you feel accepted.
The second path is the narrow path. It’s the path of do the right thing no matter what the consequences. It’s the path of thinking outside the box. It’s the path of, I don’t care what you did in the past, we have to change the way we think in order for our students to succeed. This is a very lonely path. Just as compulsory public education, at one time, was thought to be revolutionary; learning for all, NO MATTER WHAT IT TAKES, is also, now revolutionary. That thought is not accepted. Leaders that choose this path, will one day, be seen as heroes…but it takes courage to stand up and do the right thing…this course has empowered me to, if I get the chance, be this type of leader.
This blog is devoted to following the journey of Holly Chilek, her family, her ventures and the adventures of the students, in her 4th grade classroom.
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Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Monday, March 21, 2011
I am very RARELY at a loss for words - March 20, 2011 Web Conference
I am very rarely at a loss for words. My family, friends, co-workers, and students would verify this fact.
However, after last night's web conference...all I can say is, I don't know what to say.
However, this blog is going to focus on the benefits of Web Conferencing for Leaders.
First, of all, despite the glitches, it was fun! Web conferencing, to me, is more engaging than the standard Faculty Meeting. I have been to very few Faculty Meetings that I can honestly say I enjoyed. They have not, for the most part, been engaging, and active. They have been a very passive situation. However, with Web Conferencing, the participants, by the nature of the conference are actively involved and engaged.
Another benefit is one of time. One can web conference anywhere, at any time. In our web conference, I noticed one individual sitting in their recliner. Another was sitting their daughter on their bed...but they were all participating and were engaged. So web conferencing saves time, resources, and opportunity.
I believe a web conference format would be a great way to have a faculty meeting. You wouldn't necessarily want to do it for every meeting, but occasionally it would be a fun and informative way to meet with the staff.
All in all, I am looking forward to more web conferencing!
However, after last night's web conference...all I can say is, I don't know what to say.
However, this blog is going to focus on the benefits of Web Conferencing for Leaders.
First, of all, despite the glitches, it was fun! Web conferencing, to me, is more engaging than the standard Faculty Meeting. I have been to very few Faculty Meetings that I can honestly say I enjoyed. They have not, for the most part, been engaging, and active. They have been a very passive situation. However, with Web Conferencing, the participants, by the nature of the conference are actively involved and engaged.
Another benefit is one of time. One can web conference anywhere, at any time. In our web conference, I noticed one individual sitting in their recliner. Another was sitting their daughter on their bed...but they were all participating and were engaged. So web conferencing saves time, resources, and opportunity.
I believe a web conference format would be a great way to have a faculty meeting. You wouldn't necessarily want to do it for every meeting, but occasionally it would be a fun and informative way to meet with the staff.
All in all, I am looking forward to more web conferencing!
Friday, March 18, 2011
Information about latest post
I came home from work. I downloaded Microsoft Live Writer. I had my blog looking really good...and then it wouldn't publish. I am not happy about this but after working on it for 6 days...I am so tired. So, I published it this way...
Action Plan - In all of it's NOT glory
EDLD 5352 Instructional Leadership: The Technology Link Holly Chilek Week 4 Assignment
Superintendent Provides direction, in the funding issue, for the technology department of the district.
District Technology Director Provides the principal of the campus with assistance in creating the needs survey to be conducted at the beginning of the year. The DTD also, conducts a technology audit, along with the Campus Tech Point Person, to assess the areas of weakness of the campus.
Elementary School Principal Creates and implements a technology needs survey of the campus. Assesses the data from the technology audit. Organizes, creates and conducts Staff Development Sessions for the priority areas. Implements a buddy/peer mentor system based on the surveys and evaluations of the Staff Development Training Sessions. Trains Leadership Team on SMART WALKS. Creates the SMART WALK instrument and makes sure Leadership Team is proficient in the system. Conducts regular PDAS observations and walk throughs. These observations, both formal and informal will provide the data and information necessary, each six weeks, to assess whether the technology plan is being integrated in all classrooms with fidelity. The principal will also organize trainings for staff, in addition to the Staff Development ones, to assist in areas highlighted by observations.
Campus Tech Point Person The Campus Tech Point Person is a full time position. This Tech Point Person oversees three other campuses besides this one. The Campus Tech Point Person is on campus one to two days a week. The Tech Point Person will work with the principal, and Leadership team to implement the Staff Development trainings; assess the information of the technology audit; model lessons integrating technology in classrooms; and be available for support to Technology Immigrant teachers. The Campus Tech Point Person will also help to facilitate the Peer/Buddy mentor program and be available for any training or support that is needed.
Campus Computer Lab Teacher The Campus Computer Lab Teacher will facilitate software and hardware training in the computer lab as needed. The CCLT will also help devise Staff Development Training Opportunities for the staff. The CCLT will also begin to plan and create a Technology Newsletter that will be implemented the next year. The CCLT will also help with the Peer/Buddy mentoring program.
Job Description Role Resources
Needed Principal’s Role
Chart Create a survey – using – The survey will determine technology use in the classrooms and the comfort level of each teacher with the technology they have available in their classrooms.
The survey will cover: software used in the classroom; hardware used in the classroom; and how technology is integrated, in the classrooms, by the teachers. This survey is the first item in this chart because the results of the survey will be used to design a technology instruction integration plan for ALL teachers. Sign up for the basic survey monkey plan at
Create the survey with input from the the staff.
The principal will be in charge of creating the survey along with the campus’ tech coordinator. The principal will be in charge, along with the leadership team and the Site Based Committee; of disseminating the data and identifying the areas that need to be including in the plan.
Using the data from the survey – create an technology instruction inegration plan for the school year. Focus on improving the existing technology using grant money, and other resources. This is priority one. Prioritize the other 2 top areas of weakness to focus on for the year. The plan will be created by teachers, leadership team, tech team, and site based team. Time
Computer Lab
Chart Paper
Paper for small groups
Data The principal’s role will be to facilitate the creation of the plan; evaluate the plan; bring the plan back to the stakeholders if necessary for further consideration; finalize the plan
Organize a buddy tech teaching system. The technology natives will be assigned a buddy who is a technology immigrant. Survey the Staff…do an informal survey of proficiency in technology. Based on the results, the buddy system will be implemented. The principal will oversee the buddy system. The principal will meet with the natives on a six week basis for feedback and evaluation of how the system is working.
Implement the plan devised by the stakeholders for technology. The plan will be implemented.
Before implementation, staff will be trained, in staff development sessions on the protocol for the buddy system; and the plan. Training Room-
Computer Lab
Trainers – Tech Support and Native Teachers
The principal is responsible for organizing the staff development sessions and for evaluating the efficacy of the sessions.
Evaluation of the integration of the plan and it’s effectiveness on an ongoing basis – for the school year. Evaluation of the efficacy of the integration of the plan will be conducted in several ways.
1. Buddy Feedback
2. Walkthroughs
4. Informal online surveys
5. Data – Test/Benchmark
6. Conferences Leadership Team
Buddy Natives
Survey Monkey
Portal Page – survey
DATA – from assessments
DATA – from observations The principal is the head of the Leadership Team.
The principal meet with all appraisers and establish guidelines as to what needs to be going on in the classrooms in order for the plan to be implemented with fidelity.
The principal will organize Staff Development trainings on expectations.
The principal will meet with the Natives for feedback.
The principal will disseminate and dessegregate the data.
****Some areas that will need to be addressed, at the end of the year, will be making sure that every classroom has the same technology. The Leadership Team will evaluate the data from the year to devise a plan for the first of the year Staff Development trainings. And, the computer lab will, in the next year, begin a Technology E-Newsletter. The E-Newsletter will focus on areas of strengths; and advertise accomplishments; it will also have a We Need corner…this corner will allow stakeholders in the community to donate items for the school’s use or repurposing.
• Goal: The goal of the Professional Development Trainings will to be to train staff on the priorities of the plan. The goal is also to, ultimately, have teachers utilizing, incorporating, and valuing technology for instruction purposes; into their classrooms. The staff development trainings will also address best practices in incorporating technology into the classroom.
1. Through the survey, we will focus on three priorities. We will also, independently of this survey, do a technology survey via the district’s technology department; to see what the classrooms have in the way of technology; and what they would like to have. What they use, and what they would use in the way of technology if it was purchased for them.
2. At this point, the teachers have many technology tools that are available to them in their classrooms. However, either because they are technology immigrants or they have not been trained, the teachers are not utilizing the technology in their classroom.
3. The first staff development will be focused on the technology that is in the classrooms, right now, and ready to use. The staff development will center on the use of this technology and the software that the district has purchased. Follow up will be done with observations and conferences; and looking at the data. For those teachers, after these professional development opportunities, that feel they need more training. More one – on – one training will be provided in the computer lab by the campus tech point person. Students will also be trained on purchased software, in the computer lab, by Technology Natives or Tech trainers.
4. Also, every teacher, after the professional development training, will have a lesson modeled for them, by either the Leadership Team or Native Teachers, or Tech trainers, utilizing the tools that were introduced and trained in the Staff Development Trainings. The teachers will be allowed to request additional modeled lessons utilizing the technology and software in their rooms.
Another professional development training will center on grant writing. Every teacher will be required to attend. The district has a foundation board that hands out grant money twice a year. All teachers will be trained in the art of grant writing. The grants will focus on purchasing technology for the campus. After the training, grade levels or groups will write grants requesting technology for their grade levels and classrooms.
6. At the beginning of each year there is a professional development centered on teachers learning how to correctly gathering, analyzing and use data. At the development teachers get into their professional learning communities and gather data by viewing last year’s AEIS report. The teachers begin to analyze the data by finding the six strongest and six weakest objectives. This information is recorded on a chart. We use the data by discussing with our PLC why we feel these TEK objectives were low? What can we do to increase the pass rate for those TEK objectives? Then, we develop lesson plans for the weak areas. This will be another professional development opportunity.
As previously stated, leadership will utilize a variety of methods to evaluate the successful integration of the technology action plan.
One way they will evaluate the success or progress of the plan is through the formal and informal appraisal system. The leadership team will be trained for the SMART WALK SYSTEM. SMART WALKS are to be conducted very quickly. When in the classroom, on a SMART WALK, the observer is looking for certain things. There are no names…it’s a strictly evaluative tool. Each teacher will have between 3 and 5 SMART WALKS a week.
At the end of each week, the Leadership Team and the principal will sit down and desegregate the SMART WALK data to measure the progress. If there is an overall weakness for the whole staff…professional development will be organized and then conducted. This will go on through out the year.
Another way that we will evaluate the efficacy of the integration of our plan, is through formal PDAS observations. Each teacher will have at least 7 walk throughs during the year. Along with their formal observation, the data that has been produced from these observations will be evaluated by the principal. The principal will meet, with the teachers and provide feedback.
Another way we will evaluate the effectiveness and efficacy of the integration of our plan is through team collaboration. Peer and buddy observations will be discussed and utilized as a teaching collaboration.
After each professional development training session, there will be a survey, paper or online, that each participant will complete. These surveys will propel the next professional development training sessions. If a teacher wants to provide feedback one to one…there will be an opportunity on the survey for them to request that.
Superintendent Provides direction, in the funding issue, for the technology department of the district.
District Technology Director Provides the principal of the campus with assistance in creating the needs survey to be conducted at the beginning of the year. The DTD also, conducts a technology audit, along with the Campus Tech Point Person, to assess the areas of weakness of the campus.
Elementary School Principal Creates and implements a technology needs survey of the campus. Assesses the data from the technology audit. Organizes, creates and conducts Staff Development Sessions for the priority areas. Implements a buddy/peer mentor system based on the surveys and evaluations of the Staff Development Training Sessions. Trains Leadership Team on SMART WALKS. Creates the SMART WALK instrument and makes sure Leadership Team is proficient in the system. Conducts regular PDAS observations and walk throughs. These observations, both formal and informal will provide the data and information necessary, each six weeks, to assess whether the technology plan is being integrated in all classrooms with fidelity. The principal will also organize trainings for staff, in addition to the Staff Development ones, to assist in areas highlighted by observations.
Campus Tech Point Person The Campus Tech Point Person is a full time position. This Tech Point Person oversees three other campuses besides this one. The Campus Tech Point Person is on campus one to two days a week. The Tech Point Person will work with the principal, and Leadership team to implement the Staff Development trainings; assess the information of the technology audit; model lessons integrating technology in classrooms; and be available for support to Technology Immigrant teachers. The Campus Tech Point Person will also help to facilitate the Peer/Buddy mentor program and be available for any training or support that is needed.
Campus Computer Lab Teacher The Campus Computer Lab Teacher will facilitate software and hardware training in the computer lab as needed. The CCLT will also help devise Staff Development Training Opportunities for the staff. The CCLT will also begin to plan and create a Technology Newsletter that will be implemented the next year. The CCLT will also help with the Peer/Buddy mentoring program.
Job Description Role Resources
Needed Principal’s Role
Chart Create a survey – using – The survey will determine technology use in the classrooms and the comfort level of each teacher with the technology they have available in their classrooms.
The survey will cover: software used in the classroom; hardware used in the classroom; and how technology is integrated, in the classrooms, by the teachers. This survey is the first item in this chart because the results of the survey will be used to design a technology instruction integration plan for ALL teachers. Sign up for the basic survey monkey plan at
Create the survey with input from the the staff.
The principal will be in charge of creating the survey along with the campus’ tech coordinator. The principal will be in charge, along with the leadership team and the Site Based Committee; of disseminating the data and identifying the areas that need to be including in the plan.
Using the data from the survey – create an technology instruction inegration plan for the school year. Focus on improving the existing technology using grant money, and other resources. This is priority one. Prioritize the other 2 top areas of weakness to focus on for the year. The plan will be created by teachers, leadership team, tech team, and site based team. Time
Computer Lab
Chart Paper
Paper for small groups
Data The principal’s role will be to facilitate the creation of the plan; evaluate the plan; bring the plan back to the stakeholders if necessary for further consideration; finalize the plan
Organize a buddy tech teaching system. The technology natives will be assigned a buddy who is a technology immigrant. Survey the Staff…do an informal survey of proficiency in technology. Based on the results, the buddy system will be implemented. The principal will oversee the buddy system. The principal will meet with the natives on a six week basis for feedback and evaluation of how the system is working.
Implement the plan devised by the stakeholders for technology. The plan will be implemented.
Before implementation, staff will be trained, in staff development sessions on the protocol for the buddy system; and the plan. Training Room-
Computer Lab
Trainers – Tech Support and Native Teachers
The principal is responsible for organizing the staff development sessions and for evaluating the efficacy of the sessions.
Evaluation of the integration of the plan and it’s effectiveness on an ongoing basis – for the school year. Evaluation of the efficacy of the integration of the plan will be conducted in several ways.
1. Buddy Feedback
2. Walkthroughs
4. Informal online surveys
5. Data – Test/Benchmark
6. Conferences Leadership Team
Buddy Natives
Survey Monkey
Portal Page – survey
DATA – from assessments
DATA – from observations The principal is the head of the Leadership Team.
The principal meet with all appraisers and establish guidelines as to what needs to be going on in the classrooms in order for the plan to be implemented with fidelity.
The principal will organize Staff Development trainings on expectations.
The principal will meet with the Natives for feedback.
The principal will disseminate and dessegregate the data.
****Some areas that will need to be addressed, at the end of the year, will be making sure that every classroom has the same technology. The Leadership Team will evaluate the data from the year to devise a plan for the first of the year Staff Development trainings. And, the computer lab will, in the next year, begin a Technology E-Newsletter. The E-Newsletter will focus on areas of strengths; and advertise accomplishments; it will also have a We Need corner…this corner will allow stakeholders in the community to donate items for the school’s use or repurposing.
• Goal: The goal of the Professional Development Trainings will to be to train staff on the priorities of the plan. The goal is also to, ultimately, have teachers utilizing, incorporating, and valuing technology for instruction purposes; into their classrooms. The staff development trainings will also address best practices in incorporating technology into the classroom.
1. Through the survey, we will focus on three priorities. We will also, independently of this survey, do a technology survey via the district’s technology department; to see what the classrooms have in the way of technology; and what they would like to have. What they use, and what they would use in the way of technology if it was purchased for them.
2. At this point, the teachers have many technology tools that are available to them in their classrooms. However, either because they are technology immigrants or they have not been trained, the teachers are not utilizing the technology in their classroom.
3. The first staff development will be focused on the technology that is in the classrooms, right now, and ready to use. The staff development will center on the use of this technology and the software that the district has purchased. Follow up will be done with observations and conferences; and looking at the data. For those teachers, after these professional development opportunities, that feel they need more training. More one – on – one training will be provided in the computer lab by the campus tech point person. Students will also be trained on purchased software, in the computer lab, by Technology Natives or Tech trainers.
4. Also, every teacher, after the professional development training, will have a lesson modeled for them, by either the Leadership Team or Native Teachers, or Tech trainers, utilizing the tools that were introduced and trained in the Staff Development Trainings. The teachers will be allowed to request additional modeled lessons utilizing the technology and software in their rooms.
Another professional development training will center on grant writing. Every teacher will be required to attend. The district has a foundation board that hands out grant money twice a year. All teachers will be trained in the art of grant writing. The grants will focus on purchasing technology for the campus. After the training, grade levels or groups will write grants requesting technology for their grade levels and classrooms.
6. At the beginning of each year there is a professional development centered on teachers learning how to correctly gathering, analyzing and use data. At the development teachers get into their professional learning communities and gather data by viewing last year’s AEIS report. The teachers begin to analyze the data by finding the six strongest and six weakest objectives. This information is recorded on a chart. We use the data by discussing with our PLC why we feel these TEK objectives were low? What can we do to increase the pass rate for those TEK objectives? Then, we develop lesson plans for the weak areas. This will be another professional development opportunity.
As previously stated, leadership will utilize a variety of methods to evaluate the successful integration of the technology action plan.
One way they will evaluate the success or progress of the plan is through the formal and informal appraisal system. The leadership team will be trained for the SMART WALK SYSTEM. SMART WALKS are to be conducted very quickly. When in the classroom, on a SMART WALK, the observer is looking for certain things. There are no names…it’s a strictly evaluative tool. Each teacher will have between 3 and 5 SMART WALKS a week.
At the end of each week, the Leadership Team and the principal will sit down and desegregate the SMART WALK data to measure the progress. If there is an overall weakness for the whole staff…professional development will be organized and then conducted. This will go on through out the year.
Another way that we will evaluate the efficacy of the integration of our plan, is through formal PDAS observations. Each teacher will have at least 7 walk throughs during the year. Along with their formal observation, the data that has been produced from these observations will be evaluated by the principal. The principal will meet, with the teachers and provide feedback.
Another way we will evaluate the effectiveness and efficacy of the integration of our plan is through team collaboration. Peer and buddy observations will be discussed and utilized as a teaching collaboration.
After each professional development training session, there will be a survey, paper or online, that each participant will complete. These surveys will propel the next professional development training sessions. If a teacher wants to provide feedback one to one…there will be an opportunity on the survey for them to request that.
Friday, March 11, 2011
The entry referring to a book summary is from another Lamar course! That is not pertinent for the present!
Have a great day!
Have a great day!
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Assignment 3 - Week 2 - Summarize and reflect the goals of the Draft National Educational TEchnology Plan
The goals of the Draft National Educational Technology Plan are very broad. However, they have some of the same verbage, direction, goals and similarities that the Texas Long Range Technology Plan 2006 - 2020 has.
For example, Goal 2 of the Draft National Educational Technology plan states that all teachers will utilize technology and information skills to enhance teacher quality and teacher preparation as they relate to the use of technology in the classroom. 2010-2012 Educational Technology Plan for Albemarle County Public Schools. Retrieved from: http://esblogin.k12albemarle.org/attachments/5b9a7167-5154-44dc-9c77-24cc8cc36f92.pdf
In Texas' Long Range Plan for Technology 2006 - 2020, in the Key area of Educator Preparation and Development, Texas' plan also calls for teachers to use and implement technology in the classroom. Both plans call for development, and training of educators in order for them to be prepared to implement the technology in classrooms.
In the Draft National Educational Technology Plan, Goal 1 addresses that all teachers and students will have available and current access to the internet and have access to information technology in their classrooms, communities, schools, and homes. This goal speaks to the underlying problem, currently, that both the national and state plans face. In order for a district, school, community, and home to be able to even begin to reach Goal 1, they must have easy, reliable, quick, and quality access to the internet. How do we accomplish this in our districts and our schools? We make technology funding and education funding a priority. How do we accomplish this in our communities? We accomplish it by making sure our students have access to technology and the internet in such community places as: libraries; community centers; after school child care centers; and places such as the Boys and Girls Clubs. By making the internet available in these community places, the lack of available internet access in our homes won't be such a hindrance. Our economically disadvantaged students could go to the library; or the community center; or places such as the Boys and Girls Clubs to have access.
I have addressed Goals 1 and Goals 2 in the above paragraphs. Now I address Goal 3. Goal 3 states that all students will have technology and informational skills. How will this goal be accomplished? It will be accomplished in the classroom, community sites, and if possible homes. It's accomplished through a meaningful and unified approach that provide students with the skills that they need to accomplish this Goal. However, in order for this goal to be accomplished, Goals 1 and 2 must be accomplished. In both plans, the National and the State plan, it is assumed that the goals build and scaffold off of each other.
Goals 4 and 5 state that research and evaluation will improve the next generations abilities in technology applications, teaching and learning. Goal 5 states that digital content and network applications will transform teaching and learning. It states that collaboration will help transform teachers and students.
However, both of these goals assume and rely on Goals 1 through 3 being implemented. That means that everyone is working toward all the goals in a consistent manner. If even one entity is not working toward the goals then these goals will not be realized.
For example, Goal 2 of the Draft National Educational Technology plan states that all teachers will utilize technology and information skills to enhance teacher quality and teacher preparation as they relate to the use of technology in the classroom. 2010-2012 Educational Technology Plan for Albemarle County Public Schools. Retrieved from: http://esblogin.k12albemarle.org/attachments/5b9a7167-5154-44dc-9c77-24cc8cc36f92.pdf
In Texas' Long Range Plan for Technology 2006 - 2020, in the Key area of Educator Preparation and Development, Texas' plan also calls for teachers to use and implement technology in the classroom. Both plans call for development, and training of educators in order for them to be prepared to implement the technology in classrooms.
In the Draft National Educational Technology Plan, Goal 1 addresses that all teachers and students will have available and current access to the internet and have access to information technology in their classrooms, communities, schools, and homes. This goal speaks to the underlying problem, currently, that both the national and state plans face. In order for a district, school, community, and home to be able to even begin to reach Goal 1, they must have easy, reliable, quick, and quality access to the internet. How do we accomplish this in our districts and our schools? We make technology funding and education funding a priority. How do we accomplish this in our communities? We accomplish it by making sure our students have access to technology and the internet in such community places as: libraries; community centers; after school child care centers; and places such as the Boys and Girls Clubs. By making the internet available in these community places, the lack of available internet access in our homes won't be such a hindrance. Our economically disadvantaged students could go to the library; or the community center; or places such as the Boys and Girls Clubs to have access.
I have addressed Goals 1 and Goals 2 in the above paragraphs. Now I address Goal 3. Goal 3 states that all students will have technology and informational skills. How will this goal be accomplished? It will be accomplished in the classroom, community sites, and if possible homes. It's accomplished through a meaningful and unified approach that provide students with the skills that they need to accomplish this Goal. However, in order for this goal to be accomplished, Goals 1 and 2 must be accomplished. In both plans, the National and the State plan, it is assumed that the goals build and scaffold off of each other.
Goals 4 and 5 state that research and evaluation will improve the next generations abilities in technology applications, teaching and learning. Goal 5 states that digital content and network applications will transform teaching and learning. It states that collaboration will help transform teachers and students.
However, both of these goals assume and rely on Goals 1 through 3 being implemented. That means that everyone is working toward all the goals in a consistent manner. If even one entity is not working toward the goals then these goals will not be realized.
Assignment - Week 2 - Progress Report on the Long-Range Plan for Technology, 2006-2020
How do planning and standards help us know? How does a state help assist a district in knowing what students and teachers should know and be able to do?
First of all, the Progress Report on the Long Range Plan for Technology is an exhaustive look at where we were; where we are; and where we want to be. Hence, the term Long Range Plan. The plan maps out, in great detail, the expectations for the state of Texas' educators, campuses, and districts. After reviewing the progress report, it's obvious, that no district, campus, or educator should have any doubts or questions about the expectations in the area of technology. There is a plan in place and this plan is the way the State of Texas has assisted districts in the area of what educators and students need to know.
Just as the state has mapped out, in the curriculum area, what objectives students must know, and what objectives educators must teach in the academic content areas, ( and this too is exhaustive ), in grades K - 12, the state has initiated the same type of goals, objectives, and expectations in the area of technology.
The way the state assess progress in the academic content areas is through the TAKS tests. The way the state assesses the Long Range Plan for Technology is through the STAR Chart.
We need planning and standards for the area of technology so that we can know what areas we need to focus on for training and implementation.
Case in point: On our campus in the key area of Leadership, Administration, and Instructional Support has been a developing tech for the past three years. By analyzing the data, on our progress in this area, we must ask ourselves some hard questions. Why have we not moved out of the developing tech designation in this area? Why has this our designation for the past three years. We need for leadership to examine the District's Training Plan, and see where we need to add training for our leadership, so that we can move out of the developing tech designation into the advanced tech designation. Any training, on our campus for these leaders, must be valid, reliable, consistent and instructed with fidelity.
When examining these types of areas, in the progress report, we can see issues and areas where we have improved, and then areas where we need to improve.
First of all, the Progress Report on the Long Range Plan for Technology is an exhaustive look at where we were; where we are; and where we want to be. Hence, the term Long Range Plan. The plan maps out, in great detail, the expectations for the state of Texas' educators, campuses, and districts. After reviewing the progress report, it's obvious, that no district, campus, or educator should have any doubts or questions about the expectations in the area of technology. There is a plan in place and this plan is the way the State of Texas has assisted districts in the area of what educators and students need to know.
Just as the state has mapped out, in the curriculum area, what objectives students must know, and what objectives educators must teach in the academic content areas, ( and this too is exhaustive ), in grades K - 12, the state has initiated the same type of goals, objectives, and expectations in the area of technology.
The way the state assess progress in the academic content areas is through the TAKS tests. The way the state assesses the Long Range Plan for Technology is through the STAR Chart.
We need planning and standards for the area of technology so that we can know what areas we need to focus on for training and implementation.
Case in point: On our campus in the key area of Leadership, Administration, and Instructional Support has been a developing tech for the past three years. By analyzing the data, on our progress in this area, we must ask ourselves some hard questions. Why have we not moved out of the developing tech designation in this area? Why has this our designation for the past three years. We need for leadership to examine the District's Training Plan, and see where we need to add training for our leadership, so that we can move out of the developing tech designation into the advanced tech designation. Any training, on our campus for these leaders, must be valid, reliable, consistent and instructed with fidelity.
When examining these types of areas, in the progress report, we can see issues and areas where we have improved, and then areas where we need to improve.
Assignment - Week 2 - Blog Posting # 1 - Texas Long Range Plan for Technology, 2006-2020: Teaching and Learning; Educator Preparation and Development; Leadership, Administration and Instructional Support; or Infrastructure for Technology
Is there value in assessing an educator's technology Leadership, Knowledge, and Skills? What are the pros and cons of technology assessment in this area?
Yes, of course, there is value in addressing educator's technology, Leadership, Knowledge, and Skills. There are a variety of reasons for assessing educator's skills in the area of technology. One reason is that in order for an eductor to implement technology in the classroom, with their students, the educator must be proficient with said technology. The educator needs to be trained in this area. They need to be trained on an in depth, ongoing, regular basis. We expect educators to be trained in order to instruct students. On an ongoing, consistent basis, these educators are assessed in their Leadership and Skills in the classroom. This is done through PDAS on a regular basis. Therefore, we should also expect that educators will be trained and then assessed on their technology skills in their classrooms.
Also, in order for educator's to be proficient with their technology skills, they need feedback. Assessing these skills can be as simple as doing walkthroughs regularly, and then providing constructive feedback to the educator. By giving the educator ongoing, constructive feedback, the educator can move dorward to a higher level in their technology skills.
The above are the pros of assessing educator's Leadership, Knowledge and Skills in the area of technology leadership in the classroom. I believe in order for the educator to reach mastery in the area of technology they must be trained and then assessed with constructive, consistent feedback on a regular basis.
The cons of assessing teacher's in this area are that any time teachers are assessed a variety of problems arise. One such area of concern is that the educator's stress and anxiety level will be heightened when they know they are going to be assessed for anything. When their stress and anxiety levels are heightened, they become a little resistant to what you are asking them to do. They then, might see, the area, in this case technology, as one more thing being forced upon them to do in their classroom. One more thing they are going to be evaluated on. Also if the campus leadership does not train their staff on an indepth, ongoing, consistent basis, they might not feel comfortable enough to use these tools in their classroom, especially knowing that they are going to be assessed. Therefore, it's improtant to train the staff so that thye have a certain comfort level in order to implement in their classrooms.
Overall, it's important to train staff and then assess them; train some more; assess....As I said it should be something that's done on a continuous basis.
Yes, of course, there is value in addressing educator's technology, Leadership, Knowledge, and Skills. There are a variety of reasons for assessing educator's skills in the area of technology. One reason is that in order for an eductor to implement technology in the classroom, with their students, the educator must be proficient with said technology. The educator needs to be trained in this area. They need to be trained on an in depth, ongoing, regular basis. We expect educators to be trained in order to instruct students. On an ongoing, consistent basis, these educators are assessed in their Leadership and Skills in the classroom. This is done through PDAS on a regular basis. Therefore, we should also expect that educators will be trained and then assessed on their technology skills in their classrooms.
Also, in order for educator's to be proficient with their technology skills, they need feedback. Assessing these skills can be as simple as doing walkthroughs regularly, and then providing constructive feedback to the educator. By giving the educator ongoing, constructive feedback, the educator can move dorward to a higher level in their technology skills.
The above are the pros of assessing educator's Leadership, Knowledge and Skills in the area of technology leadership in the classroom. I believe in order for the educator to reach mastery in the area of technology they must be trained and then assessed with constructive, consistent feedback on a regular basis.
The cons of assessing teacher's in this area are that any time teachers are assessed a variety of problems arise. One such area of concern is that the educator's stress and anxiety level will be heightened when they know they are going to be assessed for anything. When their stress and anxiety levels are heightened, they become a little resistant to what you are asking them to do. They then, might see, the area, in this case technology, as one more thing being forced upon them to do in their classroom. One more thing they are going to be evaluated on. Also if the campus leadership does not train their staff on an indepth, ongoing, consistent basis, they might not feel comfortable enough to use these tools in their classroom, especially knowing that they are going to be assessed. Therefore, it's improtant to train the staff so that thye have a certain comfort level in order to implement in their classrooms.
Overall, it's important to train staff and then assess them; train some more; assess....As I said it should be something that's done on a continuous basis.
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