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Saturday, March 5, 2011

Assignment 3 - Week 2 - Summarize and reflect the goals of the Draft National Educational TEchnology Plan

The goals of the Draft National Educational Technology Plan are very broad. However, they have some of the same verbage, direction, goals and similarities that the Texas Long Range Technology Plan 2006 - 2020 has.
For example, Goal 2 of the Draft National Educational Technology plan states that all teachers will utilize technology and information skills to enhance teacher quality and teacher preparation as they relate to the use of technology in the classroom. 2010-2012 Educational Technology Plan for Albemarle County Public Schools. Retrieved from:
In Texas' Long Range Plan for Technology 2006 - 2020, in the Key area of Educator Preparation and Development, Texas' plan also calls for teachers to use and implement technology in the classroom. Both plans call for development, and training of educators in order for them to be prepared to implement the technology in classrooms.
In the Draft National Educational Technology Plan, Goal 1 addresses that all teachers and students will have available and current access to the internet and have access to information technology in their classrooms, communities, schools, and homes. This goal speaks to the underlying problem, currently, that both the national and state plans face. In order for a district, school, community, and home to be able to even begin to reach Goal 1, they must have easy, reliable, quick, and quality access to the internet. How do we accomplish this in our districts and our schools? We make technology funding and education funding a priority. How do we accomplish this in our communities? We accomplish it by making sure our students have access to technology and the internet in such community places as: libraries; community centers; after school child care centers; and places such as the Boys and Girls Clubs. By making the internet available in these community places, the lack of available internet access in our homes won't be such a hindrance. Our economically disadvantaged students could go to the library; or the community center; or places such as the Boys and Girls Clubs to have access.
I have addressed Goals 1 and Goals 2 in the above paragraphs. Now I address Goal 3. Goal 3 states that all students will have technology and informational skills. How will this goal be accomplished? It will be accomplished in the classroom, community sites, and if possible homes. It's accomplished through a meaningful and unified approach that provide students with the skills that they need to accomplish this Goal. However, in order for this goal to be accomplished, Goals 1 and 2 must be accomplished. In both plans, the National and the State plan, it is assumed that the goals build and scaffold off of each other.
Goals 4 and 5 state that research and evaluation will improve the next generations abilities in technology applications, teaching and learning. Goal 5 states that digital content and network applications will transform teaching and learning. It states that collaboration will help transform teachers and students.
However, both of these goals assume and rely on Goals 1 through 3 being implemented. That means that everyone is working toward all the goals in a consistent manner. If even one entity is not working toward the goals then these goals will not be realized.

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