EDLD 5352 Instructional Leadership: The Technology Link Holly Chilek Week 4 Assignment
Superintendent Provides direction, in the funding issue, for the technology department of the district.
District Technology Director Provides the principal of the campus with assistance in creating the needs survey to be conducted at the beginning of the year. The DTD also, conducts a technology audit, along with the Campus Tech Point Person, to assess the areas of weakness of the campus.
Elementary School Principal Creates and implements a technology needs survey of the campus. Assesses the data from the technology audit. Organizes, creates and conducts Staff Development Sessions for the priority areas. Implements a buddy/peer mentor system based on the surveys and evaluations of the Staff Development Training Sessions. Trains Leadership Team on SMART WALKS. Creates the SMART WALK instrument and makes sure Leadership Team is proficient in the system. Conducts regular PDAS observations and walk throughs. These observations, both formal and informal will provide the data and information necessary, each six weeks, to assess whether the technology plan is being integrated in all classrooms with fidelity. The principal will also organize trainings for staff, in addition to the Staff Development ones, to assist in areas highlighted by observations.
Campus Tech Point Person The Campus Tech Point Person is a full time position. This Tech Point Person oversees three other campuses besides this one. The Campus Tech Point Person is on campus one to two days a week. The Tech Point Person will work with the principal, and Leadership team to implement the Staff Development trainings; assess the information of the technology audit; model lessons integrating technology in classrooms; and be available for support to Technology Immigrant teachers. The Campus Tech Point Person will also help to facilitate the Peer/Buddy mentor program and be available for any training or support that is needed.
Campus Computer Lab Teacher The Campus Computer Lab Teacher will facilitate software and hardware training in the computer lab as needed. The CCLT will also help devise Staff Development Training Opportunities for the staff. The CCLT will also begin to plan and create a Technology Newsletter that will be implemented the next year. The CCLT will also help with the Peer/Buddy mentoring program.
Job Description Role Resources
Needed Principal’s Role
Chart Create a survey – using – The survey will determine technology use in the classrooms and the comfort level of each teacher with the technology they have available in their classrooms.
The survey will cover: software used in the classroom; hardware used in the classroom; and how technology is integrated, in the classrooms, by the teachers. This survey is the first item in this chart because the results of the survey will be used to design a technology instruction integration plan for ALL teachers. Sign up for the basic survey monkey plan at
Create the survey with input from the the staff.
The principal will be in charge of creating the survey along with the campus’ tech coordinator. The principal will be in charge, along with the leadership team and the Site Based Committee; of disseminating the data and identifying the areas that need to be including in the plan.
Using the data from the survey – create an technology instruction inegration plan for the school year. Focus on improving the existing technology using grant money, and other resources. This is priority one. Prioritize the other 2 top areas of weakness to focus on for the year. The plan will be created by teachers, leadership team, tech team, and site based team. Time
Computer Lab
Chart Paper
Paper for small groups
Data The principal’s role will be to facilitate the creation of the plan; evaluate the plan; bring the plan back to the stakeholders if necessary for further consideration; finalize the plan
Organize a buddy tech teaching system. The technology natives will be assigned a buddy who is a technology immigrant. Survey the Staff…do an informal survey of proficiency in technology. Based on the results, the buddy system will be implemented. The principal will oversee the buddy system. The principal will meet with the natives on a six week basis for feedback and evaluation of how the system is working.
Implement the plan devised by the stakeholders for technology. The plan will be implemented.
Before implementation, staff will be trained, in staff development sessions on the protocol for the buddy system; and the plan. Training Room-
Computer Lab
Trainers – Tech Support and Native Teachers
The principal is responsible for organizing the staff development sessions and for evaluating the efficacy of the sessions.
Evaluation of the integration of the plan and it’s effectiveness on an ongoing basis – for the school year. Evaluation of the efficacy of the integration of the plan will be conducted in several ways.
1. Buddy Feedback
2. Walkthroughs
4. Informal online surveys
5. Data – Test/Benchmark
6. Conferences Leadership Team
Buddy Natives
Survey Monkey
Portal Page – survey
DATA – from assessments
DATA – from observations The principal is the head of the Leadership Team.
The principal meet with all appraisers and establish guidelines as to what needs to be going on in the classrooms in order for the plan to be implemented with fidelity.
The principal will organize Staff Development trainings on expectations.
The principal will meet with the Natives for feedback.
The principal will disseminate and dessegregate the data.
****Some areas that will need to be addressed, at the end of the year, will be making sure that every classroom has the same technology. The Leadership Team will evaluate the data from the year to devise a plan for the first of the year Staff Development trainings. And, the computer lab will, in the next year, begin a Technology E-Newsletter. The E-Newsletter will focus on areas of strengths; and advertise accomplishments; it will also have a We Need corner…this corner will allow stakeholders in the community to donate items for the school’s use or repurposing.
• Goal: The goal of the Professional Development Trainings will to be to train staff on the priorities of the plan. The goal is also to, ultimately, have teachers utilizing, incorporating, and valuing technology for instruction purposes; into their classrooms. The staff development trainings will also address best practices in incorporating technology into the classroom.
1. Through the survey, we will focus on three priorities. We will also, independently of this survey, do a technology survey via the district’s technology department; to see what the classrooms have in the way of technology; and what they would like to have. What they use, and what they would use in the way of technology if it was purchased for them.
2. At this point, the teachers have many technology tools that are available to them in their classrooms. However, either because they are technology immigrants or they have not been trained, the teachers are not utilizing the technology in their classroom.
3. The first staff development will be focused on the technology that is in the classrooms, right now, and ready to use. The staff development will center on the use of this technology and the software that the district has purchased. Follow up will be done with observations and conferences; and looking at the data. For those teachers, after these professional development opportunities, that feel they need more training. More one – on – one training will be provided in the computer lab by the campus tech point person. Students will also be trained on purchased software, in the computer lab, by Technology Natives or Tech trainers.
4. Also, every teacher, after the professional development training, will have a lesson modeled for them, by either the Leadership Team or Native Teachers, or Tech trainers, utilizing the tools that were introduced and trained in the Staff Development Trainings. The teachers will be allowed to request additional modeled lessons utilizing the technology and software in their rooms.
Another professional development training will center on grant writing. Every teacher will be required to attend. The district has a foundation board that hands out grant money twice a year. All teachers will be trained in the art of grant writing. The grants will focus on purchasing technology for the campus. After the training, grade levels or groups will write grants requesting technology for their grade levels and classrooms.
6. At the beginning of each year there is a professional development centered on teachers learning how to correctly gathering, analyzing and use data. At the development teachers get into their professional learning communities and gather data by viewing last year’s AEIS report. The teachers begin to analyze the data by finding the six strongest and six weakest objectives. This information is recorded on a chart. We use the data by discussing with our PLC why we feel these TEK objectives were low? What can we do to increase the pass rate for those TEK objectives? Then, we develop lesson plans for the weak areas. This will be another professional development opportunity.
As previously stated, leadership will utilize a variety of methods to evaluate the successful integration of the technology action plan.
One way they will evaluate the success or progress of the plan is through the formal and informal appraisal system. The leadership team will be trained for the SMART WALK SYSTEM. SMART WALKS are to be conducted very quickly. When in the classroom, on a SMART WALK, the observer is looking for certain things. There are no names…it’s a strictly evaluative tool. Each teacher will have between 3 and 5 SMART WALKS a week.
At the end of each week, the Leadership Team and the principal will sit down and desegregate the SMART WALK data to measure the progress. If there is an overall weakness for the whole staff…professional development will be organized and then conducted. This will go on through out the year.
Another way that we will evaluate the efficacy of the integration of our plan, is through formal PDAS observations. Each teacher will have at least 7 walk throughs during the year. Along with their formal observation, the data that has been produced from these observations will be evaluated by the principal. The principal will meet, with the teachers and provide feedback.
Another way we will evaluate the effectiveness and efficacy of the integration of our plan is through team collaboration. Peer and buddy observations will be discussed and utilized as a teaching collaboration.
After each professional development training session, there will be a survey, paper or online, that each participant will complete. These surveys will propel the next professional development training sessions. If a teacher wants to provide feedback one to one…there will be an opportunity on the survey for them to request that.
I like how you plan to use surveys and team collaboration to evaluate the effectiveness of your technology plan.
ReplyDeleteGrant writing is such a great idea! With today's current budget struggles we must find ways to still fund our technology needs. Forming a grant writing committee would help to apply for grants and find means to equip your school with the latest technology. At my school we have focused heavily on working with PTA and having technology fundraisers. Grant writing is something that I would like to carry over to my school and to my technology action plan.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Dawn, your plan uses a great deal of collaboration to evaluate your plans. Even though you said you had trouble with it, I think you have done a great job with organizing your thoughts and making them clear. You have brought in several strategies that I didn't even think of when completing my plan. For instance, grant writing has never crossed my mind because I have never really been asked to be involved in such a process. I think that if you implemented this within your school and community you would get a great deal of support. I agree with Dawn once again, with today's current budget struggles we must be ingenious in finding ways to fulfill the needs that our system requires of us. Your struggles and frustrations have paid off, good job Holly!
Holly, I like your number 6 in the professional development, gathering, analyzing data and using data. Finding six weakest and strongest objectives is an important to know from the beginning of the year. This year we did the same thing, finding our weakest objectives and then we placed them on string of train cars. From the locomotive to the caboose each has an objective where we need to focus on throughout the year.
ReplyDeleteI think that your discussions will prove to be beneficial, because someone could be having success on one objective and share with others their strategies. This is a great way to share and collaborate. Great Job!